Tuesday, April 24, 2012

First Post!

Well today I'm starting my blog. I hope I can get some followers and hope I have enough interesting things to post :) I'll start out with some info: My name is Amanda. I'm 24. I'm a waitress at my mom's small family restaurant. I'm currently in a 6 year relationship with my boyfriend. I love the colors PINK, BLACK, WHITE, and PURPLE. I use :) <- these way too much. I love nail polish and nail art and I want to share my love with the world. I have a nail polish collection which constantly changes, I'm always adding to it or getting rid of polish but my current count as of this very moment is 230 bottles but that's including 11 nail art/ stripper bottles. The picture above is my collection. It is missing the 20 or so bottles I bought today though. I made the shelves myself using a video from YouTube. I'll make a post on them later and include the link. My hopes for this post is to show you some of my favorite colors are and some of the nail are I've done and that I like. Thanks for stopping by and hopefully you'll like my blog :)

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